Relations for a Homogeneous Phase

This lesson is an introduction to relations that may be used for calculating differences in properties that are readily measured within a single, homogeneous phase, assuming a simple compressible substance (namely, the Maxwell relations). In order to develop such expressions, it is first necessary to present a general mathematical relation that will prove useful in this procedure.

Consider a variable thermodynamic property z that is a continuous function of x and y:

z =  f(x, y)


dz  =  (
dx  +  (

This may be written in a simpler form:

dz = M dx + N dy


M  =  (


N  =  (
∂ y

The physical significance of partial derivatives as they relate to the properties of a pure substance can be explained through the use of a PvT diagram. The following diagram shows the surface of the superheated region of a pure substance (colored in light green).

Constant temperature, constant pressure, and constant specific volume planes all intersect at point 2 on the surface. Thus, the partial derivative (∂P/∂v)T is the slope of curve 1,2,3 at point 2. Line 4,5 represents the tangent to curve 1,2,3 at point 2. A similar interpretation can be made of the partial derivatives (∂P/∂T)v and (∂v/∂T)P.

If it is desired to evaluate the partial derivative along a constant-temperature line, the rules for ordinary derivatives can be applied. Thus, it can be written for a constant-temperature process:


and the integration can be performed as usual. Returning to the consideration of the relation:

dz = M dx + N dy

If x, y, and z are all point functions, the differentials are exact differentials. If this is the case, the following important relation holds:

=  (

the proof is:

2 z


2 z

Because the order of differentiation makes no difference when point functions are involved, it may follow that:

2 z
2 z


=  (

Next Lesson: Maxwell Relations