Stress Under General Loading Conditions and Components of Stress

Most structural components are under more involved loading conditions other than axial loading and transverse loading.




Consider a body subjected to several loads P1, P2, etc. such as in Fig1. To understand the stress condition created by these loads at some point Q within the body, a section is passed throughout Q, using a plane parallel to the yz plane. The portion of the body to the left of the section is subjected to some of the original loads, and to normal and shearing forces distributed over the section. The normal and shearing forces acting on a small area ΔA surrounding point Q are denoted by ΔFx and ΔVx, respectively, as shown in Fig2. The superscript x is used to indicate that the forces ΔFx and ΔVx act on a surface perpendicular to the x axis. While the normal force ΔFx has a well-defined direction, the shearing force ΔVx may have any direction in the plane of the section. Therefore ΔVx is resolved into two component forces, ΔVyx and ΔVzx, in directions parallel to the y and z axes, respectively, as shown in Fig3. Now dividing the magnitude of each force by the area ΔA, and letting ΔA approach zero, as in Fig4, the three stress components are defined:

ΔA → 0

ΔA → 0

ΔA → 0

Note that the first subscript in σx, τxy, and τxz is used to indicate that the stresses under consideration are exerted on a surface perpendicular to the x axis. The second subscript in τxy and τxz identifies the direction of the component. The normal stress σx is positive if the corresponding arrow points in the positive x direction, i.e., if the body is in tension, and negative otherwise. Similarly, the shearing stress components τxy and τxz are positive if the corresponding arrows point, respectively, in the positive y and z directions.

The above analysis may also be carried out by considering the portion of the body located to the right of the vertical plane through Q as shown in Fig5.



The same magnitudes, but opposite directions, are obtained for the normal and shearing forces ΔFx, ΔVyx, and ΔVzx. Therefore, the same values are also obtained for the corresponding stress components, but since the section in Fig5 now faces the negative x axis, a positive sign for σx will indicate the corresponding arrow points in the negative x direction. Similarly, positive signs for τxy and τxz will indicate that the corresponding arrows point, respectively, in the negative y and z directions, as in Fig5. Passing a section through Q parallel to the zx plane, the stress components σy, τyz, and τyx are defined in the same manner. Finally, a section through Q parallel to the xy plane yields the components σz, τzx, and τzy

To facilitate the visualization of the stress condition at point Q, a small cube of side a centered at Q and the stresses exerted on each of the six faces of the cube are considered, as shown in Fig6.



The stress components shown in the figure are σx, σy, and σz, which represent the normal stress on faces respectively perpendicular to the x, y, and z axes, and the six shearing stress components τxy, τxz, τyx, τyz, τzx, and τzy. Recall from above that according to the definition of the shearing stress components, τxy represents the y component of the shearing stress exerted on the face perpendicular to the x axis, while τyx represents the x component of the shearing stress exerted on the face perpendicular to the y axis. Only three faces of the cube are actually visible in Fig6, and that equal and opposite stress components act on the hidden faces. While the stresses acting on the faces differ slightly from the stresses at Q, the error involved is small and vanishes as side a of the cube approaches zero.

Important relations among the shearing stress components will now be derived. Consider the free-body diagram of the small cube centered at point Q as shown in Fig7. The normal and shearing forces acting on the various faces of the cube are obtained by multiplying the corresponding stress components by the area ΔA of each face. The three equilibrium equations are:

Fx = 0

Fy = 0

Fz = 0

Since forces equal and opposite to the forces actually shown Fig7 are acting on hidden faces of the cube, Eq2a, Eq2b, and Eq2c are satisfied. Considering now the moments of the forces about axes Qx', Qy', and Qz' drawn from Q in directions respectively parallel to the x, y, and z axes, the three additional equations are:

Mx' = 0

My' = 0

Mz' = 0

Using a projection on the x'y' plane as shown in Fig8.


it is noted that the only forces with moments about the z-axis different from zero are the shearing forces. These forces form two couples, one of counterclockwise (positive) moment (τxyΔA)a, the other of clockwise (negative) moment −(τyxΔA)a. Eq3c yields, therefore:

Mz = 0:      (τxyΔA)a − (τyxΔA)a = 0

from which it is concluded that:

τxy = τyx

The relation obtained shows that the y-component of the shearing stress exerted on a face perpendicular to the x-axis is equal to the x-component of the shearing stress exerted on a face perpendicular to the y-axis. From the remaining two equations, Eq3b and Eq3c, the following relations can be derived in a similar manner:

τyz = τzy


τzx = τxz

It can then be concluded that from Eq4a, Eq4b, and Eq4c, that only six stress components are required to define the condition of stress at a given point Q, instead of nine as originally assumed. These six components are σx, σy, σz, τx, τy, and τz. It is also noted that, at a given point, shear cannot take place in one plane only; an equal shearing stress must be exerted on another plane perpendicular to the first one. For example considering a bolt and a small cube at the center Q of the bolt as shown:

It is found that the shearing stresses of equal magnitude must be exerted on the two horizontal faces of the cube and on the two faces which are perpendicular to the forces P and P'.

Lastly, consider again the case of a member under axial loading. If a small cube with faces respectively parallel to the faces of the member is considered,